As we celebrate the birth of our great nation, we quickly associate the day with a colorful assortment of fireworks. Fireworks are one of those things that we look forward to with anticipation. They provide a level of excitement because as you look up, you really don’t know what’s coming next, but somehow we always seem to enjoy the outcome.
With the July 4th holiday, we, as Sales Professionals, look back on the half way mark of our years. How much premium was written? How many polices were sold? How many lives did we touch? We think about how many “fireworks” we set off in that time. Was that level of excitement there as well?
We have put together a unique Fireworks Display designed to increase your revenue streams in Four Core Practice Areas; Policy Valuation Modeling, Business Valuation Modeling, Asset Repositioning & Legacy Planning.
These Four Core Practice Elements can provide you with the “FIREWORKS” needed to get to that level of excitement with your clients and help you open up a number of New Sales Opportunities. Whether you are currently looking for business in these areas or not, you will see how easy it can be. This is achieved in a very simple way and can lead to sales relating to: Buy-Sell Planning, Deferred Compensation, Grandparent Legacies, IRA Maximization, Deferred Survivorship Planning, Inforce Management and many others to long to list.
Basically, these techniques will show you how to transition your current clients into other revenue streams that in the past were unsuccessful. In addition, it can show you how to open countless opportunities for new prospective clients.
So, it comes down to one question….. Are you happy with your fireworks display?
We want to assist you with achieving that level of excitement with an arsenal of Sales Opportunities that are guaranteed to position you well to finish out your best year ever.
Contact us to find out how we can help.
Happy Selling!