“I can think of no more effective agent in advancing our freedom to live as we choose than the insurance salesman. This man knows the economic pulse of the country as few men may, for he walks all streets of American life and he sits down and talks to youth and to the mature and to the aged. He knows their wants. He helps them to help themselves in times of need. He builds, for he helps others to build. He insures the future. He is respected. And he is a friend.”
The above quote was from John F. Kennedy. Clearly someone who understood the importance and role of the life insurance agent. Today, we are constantly reminded of the underserved public as it relates to the insurance world. So many of us receive email notifications and links to GO FUND ME sites to help those in need for different tragedies affecting people in our communities. I see a lot of links to pages asking to assist a family who has lost a breadwinner prematurely. People are generally good natured and will generously contribute to help a family in time of need. That’s a very good thing and refreshing to see people chipping in to help others in time of need. These actions can quell the cynics among us who claim that society has lost its civility and doesn’t care about their fellow man.
But each time I see a post like that, it makes me think of families and the lack of planning they do. Let’s face it, we all know that people do not like to look into their own mortality, especially younger people. Think for a moment of how a small life insurance policy could change those awful stories. Think about the impact that would have on the widows left with a child or two that are often the ones we are helping with a GO FUND ME page. It’s not limited to life insurance either. There are stories of people taken ill or injured that could have also been fixed with a Long Term Care or Disability Income policy.
Everything we do is like a “SELF-FUNDED GO FUND ME“ page. I started off with a favorable quote from John F. Kennedy, but to be fair, Woody Allen once said…
”There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?
I find that funny (and maybe even true, after all, I know lots of them). But let’s think for a moment of the importance of what we do. Think about the strength of JFK’s statement and the comedy of Woody Allen’s. If you actually endured an evening with an insurance salesman, maybe, just maybe, you would realize that he was a friend after all.
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