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• Stock redemption
• Multi-life Insurance-Base Retirement Planning
• Buy/sell with long-term care
• Executive bonus with long-term care
Time: 2:00 pm ET
Dial In: 1-631-992-3221
Participant passcode: 345-463-548
Presented by:
David Mohr, CLU, ChFC, CFP — National Sales Director, Nationwide Business Solutions Group
David Mohr joined Nationwide in 2006. He is responsible for the development and marketing of non-qualified executive benefit and business planning opportunities. Previously, he spent seven years at Marsh, where he developed relationships and created executive benefit sales opportunities, and 11 years in insurance financial planning with various carriers. David obtained his BA in Business Administration from Rutgers University.
Jake Bosacki, JD — Senior Consultant, Advanced Consulting Group
Jake specializes in the business and retirement markets with a focus on executive benefits, business succession and tax planning. He routinely works with advisors and third-party professionals to solve for the needs of their business clients.