July 16, 2020 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm





Spousal Protection Strategies:

Providing for a Surviving Spouse in Retirement

Thursday, July 16
at 2:00 PM ET

Featuring: Prudential’s Karen Hofmann, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL® *
President of Advanced Planning

A surviving spouse will very likely face significant challenges in retirement. Although a widow needs an average of 79% of a couple’s income to maintain her standard of living, half are projected to have only 62%**. How can you help clients prepare for this challenge?

Join Prudential’s Karen Hofmann as she discusses multiple strategies for helping clients protect a surviving spouse and how you can help clients understand:

  • Their Social Security benefits: delaying, maximizing, and supplementing
  • Their healthcare risks and anticipated LTC costs
  • What Medicare will and won’t cover
  • How life insurance can be used to help:
    • Offset lost benefits due to the death of a spouse
    • Offset outstanding debt

Help clients achieve financial wellness now and throughout retirement.