By: Mark D. Milbrod, CLU, CLTC

I don’t know about you, but I’m an Olympic junkie. I can’t get enough of it. Although the Swimming and Diving are probably my favorite, I so look forward to my fix of Water Polo every four years.

I am an awe of all of the athletes that strive for greatness as they come to the world stage in Paris to compete. They are truly inspiring, which is probably why I am attracted to the games.

As all of the athletes compete and strive for their very best, I often reflect on myself to see if I am doing the same, not just in my personal life, but as a professional in the insurance industry.

Have you ever asked yourself, When it comes to selling our products, what is the measure of success? What puts us on the “medal stand?” For each of us, the answer may be different. For some it may be as simple as an income goal and for others it can be how many families they have helped or how much face amount they have put on the books. Whatever it is, are we striving for the best that we can be?

On a daily basis, I measure my successes by how many agents I speak to and assist with their respective clients. My experience in the industry, and the knowledge that I have, allows me to reach many more consumers and exponentially provide solutions for them.

Like the Olympics, our field of play includes a number of “events” that measure our journey to the podium. Whether you are selling Life Insurance, Annuities, Disability Income or Long Term Care protection, it is important to keep up the level of professionalism and keep bringing these important products to your clients.

The products we sell are so vital and play such an important role to the many families we serve. In fact, these very products can make such a difference for these families by allowing widows and children to strive for all the things they want and assure their dreams and aspirations of a secure future.

The good part is that we, as insurance professionals, don’t necessarily have to make it to the medal stand. We can miss it by a fraction of a second and still win because of what we provide. It really won’t matter when the check gets delivered.

In the true spirit of the Olympics, what will be important, is that you were there and you competed. Keep up what you do best. Continue to strive for excellence and keep providing your clients with financial security through the many products you provide.

And Good Luck to all of the athletes, especially Team USA.