From term to whole life to universal life and the new generation of guaranteed products; from individual coverage to second-to-die, Agent Support Group thinks we can do it better than anyone.
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Indexed Annuity Leadership Council
When considering your plan for retirement, indexed annuities can add balance and give you some peace of mind— no matter what happens on Wall Street.
Long-Term Illness Happens Unexpectedly
Repurpose your current life insurance policy to include living benefits that will provide you, as the insured, funds for Long Term Care. The team at Agent Support Group, an Amerilife company, will show you how easily you can start protecting yourself against the unexpected cost of Long Term Care.
Marks Barks Blog
In The Media
Life Insurance Cleans Up A Lot Of Messes People Leave Behind
People are generally averse when it comes to discussing the purchase of life insurance. Let’s face it, it’s not a comfortable conversation to have. Being forced to peer into our mortality can turn anyone away. People simply don’t want to talk about it. There can be several reasons that make someone
Looking Forward in 2025
As another year comes to a close, we have a chance to look in the rear view mirror and reflect on what happened with our personal business and on a wider scale, our industry. Everyone has their own way of measuring success. Some measure goals based solely on how
Diamond Earrings, Fancy Cars & VR Headsets – The True Meaning of the Holiday Season?
Isn’t that what it’s all about? Stuff !!!!!! With the commercialization of the holiday season, the true meaning of the holiday has definitely been lost. But that’s an entirely different topic for another day. Materialistic things are purchased with the notion of making the recipient happy.
Long-term Care Forecast
Lydia, an 83 year-old client of our office, recently went on claim for Long Term Care (LTC). She asked her insurance advisor to explain how her claim will work - how she will be paid - how much - and for how long.
The Importance of Planning
When I first started in the business, I worked for The Prudential as a District Agent. As “the new kid on the block,” the old time agents in the office would tell me that I would never understand this business until I delivered my first death claim. Fast forward a
For The Price of a Cup of Coffee – A Story for Life Insurance Awareness Month
For The Price of a Cup of Coffee – A Story for Life Insurance Awareness Month by Mark Milbrod, CLU, CLTC, Sales Vice President September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. In the spirit of that, I would like to share a story… I recently had a conversation with a friend that
In The True Spirit Of The Olympics…
By: Mark D. Milbrod, CLU, CLTC I don’t know about you, but I’m an Olympic junkie. I can’t get enough of it. Although the Swimming and Diving are probably my favorite, I so look forward to my fix of Water Polo every four years. I am an awe of all…
Have A “HappyDependentsDay”!
“HAVE A HAPPYDEPENDENTSDAY”! by: Mark D. Milbrod, CLU, CLTC No, that’s not a typo. That’s what I meant. Independence Day is upon us, but with all the freedoms that we celebrate, it is fitting to talk about the freedoms that we can provide for our families, our heirs, our Dependents. There is nothing…
The Case For Annuities
By: Mark D. Milbrod, CLU, CLTCVice President, ASG Very often, annuities get some bad press. One firm in particular even went as far to proclaim that they “HATE” annuities. That’s unfortunate because they really don’t tell the entire story. June is Annuity Awareness Month so in the spirit of that,
The Man on Top of the Mountain Didn’t Fall There
It’s March and with it comes hints of Spring and for a lot of us who are into sports, it brings The March Madness College Basketball Tournament. Year after year, “March Madness” captivates basketball fans with it’s intense matchups and unpredictable outcomes. In order to come out
Navigating Objections: Proven Strategies to Overcome Common Life Insurance Hesitations
As life insurance agents, we’ve all faced objections like, “It’s too expensive,” “I don’t need it right now,” or “I’ll think about it later.” These hesitations can stall sales, but with the right approach, you can turn objections into opportunities.
From Product to Practice: Strategies for Selling Life Insurance in Changing Times
Lydia, an 83 year-old client of our office, recently went on claim for Long Term Care (LTC). She asked her insurance advisor to explain how her claim will work - how she will be paid - how much - and for how long.
You Have a Job You Can’t Be Fired From As Long As You’re Breathing!
Lydia, an 83 year-old client of our office, recently went on claim for Long Term Care (LTC). She asked her insurance advisor to explain how her claim will work - how she will be paid - how much - and for how long.
I’m Dead. Now What?
What If? My father passed away seven years ago after Alzheimer’s slowly stole his mind and then his body. He was 93 and I miss him every day. Among other wonderful gifts my dad gave me, my mom and siblings, was a thick file called
Life Insurance Awareness Month: Your Guide to Unlocking Client Engagement and Growth
When I first started in the business, I worked for The Prudential as a District Agent. As “the new kid on the block,” the old time agents in the office would tell me that I would never understand this business until I delivered my first death claim. Fast forward a
The Art of Storytelling in Life Insurance Sales: Connecting Emotionally with Clients
The Art of Storytelling in Life Insurance Sales: Connecting Emotionally with ClientsJul 17, 2024 By: Jay Scheiner As the CEO of a Life Insurance Brokerage General Agency, I've seen countless sales strategies come and go during my 35-years in the insurance industry. However, one technique has stood the test of…
GoFundMe Campaigns That Shouldn’t Be
By: Jay Scheiner, CEO, ASG. Life insurance isn’t a one-time purchase. Just like other aspects of your clients' financial well-being, their life insurance policies should be reviewed regularly to ensure they have the right coverage to protect their loved ones as their needs change. By conducting an annual review, you can
Stay Prepared, Stay Protected: The Case for Annual Life Insurance Policy Reviews
By: Jay Scheiner, CEO, ASG. Life insurance isn’t a one-time purchase. Just like other aspects of your clients' financial well-being, their life insurance policies should be reviewed regularly to ensure they have the right coverage to protect their loved ones as their needs change. By conducting an annual review, you can
The Gift of Life Insurance is a Powerful Way to Create a Legacy for a Loved One.
By: Jay Scheiner, CEO, Agent Support Group The insured (donor) may make the loved one , who may be the beneficiary of the policy, or in some circumstances, they may become the policyowner as well as beneficiary. Keep in mind, there must always be an “insurable interest” between the insured and the
The Suicide Clause Dilemma
By: Jay Scheiner JD CLU, Executive Vice President, Agent Support Group “Does life insurance pay off if a person kills himself?” That was the call I gotfrom a client—an old friend. I knew he had $5M of life insurance because Isold it to him; his CPA, a mutual friend, had…